Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stars dance

Hiiiii! Yesterday the Stars Dance tour started! Yay!!!!!!!!!! If you don't know stars dance tour is Selena Gomez's tour! And she was amazing (Even though I didn't see her preform live) here 2 pictures from the concert! Oh I'll just put in there that Sel wanted an "S" shaped stage so it would be easier to interact with her fans! Yay I love selena! Byeeeeee! -Morgan

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Places To Spend Money= My top ten

Hey guys so today I had an idea.
So I haven't made a post in a while because my laptop screen cracked and just shattered. It sucks but anyways I'm making a watch list.
These are the Top 10 places I('d) like to shop eat , or get drinks from.

10. FYE
Yes I may have only been there once but it had a crap load of One Direction stuff which we all love... hopefully . It also had lots of cds and stuff and some weird cardboard cutouts . Like Sons Of Anarchy weird.
9. The Grape Vine Café.
This place is right by my house . It has the best ham and cheese soup , and really great burgers. Yes I could have picked a more popular place but I just really like it a lot.
8.  Orange Julius 
I know you all have had to heard of this place. In sixth grade we made Orange Julius's and when I go there I usually get strawberry and banana smoothie ..

7. Target
Target has a crap load of stuff. There's makeup, food, clothes, anything, everything you could need. The latest perfumes, music , and books . It's all packed into one.
I love this stuff and I know Morgan does too.
6.Barnes & Noble
I love to read and I love to look at these books and this is where I got my nook. I really like some of the series I have discovered there . I can't even pick a favorite
5.Olive Garden
I love their food , their endless supply of breadsticks , soup. I really like their pasta, and desserts. It's a  Italian restaurant popular with Taylor Lautner .
I think they have awesome looking clothes online and I could never go there .... It looks really nice . I just wish I could go there .
3.Forever 21 .
Love their clothes I have been here before. It's everything you could want in a teenage store.
2. Starbucks.
My mom hates that I love it here. I love iced coffee , it's the only caffeine I have ever had and it's great. I love the White Chocolate Mocha Frappe that Morgan made me try because it's E.J. Calder's favorite there.
1. Tropical Smoothie Café
I love their food. It's amazing the Hawaiian BBQ flatbread. I have loved their smoothies it's just amazing . The choco chiller with banana . It's just great. :)
        So guys that's my top ten. Tweet me your top places and I'll respond
Love Always,