Thursday, July 11, 2013

Favorites (mady)

So i like monkies
I know that has nothing to do with anything . This is Mady though and I'll have Morgan do one .
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Makeup: Lip Gloss. (Shiny ones)
Favorite Website: Twitter
Favorite Food: Spinach
Favorite Food: Chinese Food
Favorite Signer(s) : One Direction
Favorite YouTube Channel: Alfie or Zoella or JacksGap
Pet Peeve : Yolo

Fave Thing: People's laughs
Deepest Secret i'm willing to tell you : I'm honestly so afraid of confrontation .
Love Life: Depressing 
People Tell Me ( Bad) : That I'm forever alone . like love wise. I am just old enough to have a facebook ( without lying about my age) I'm not even ready to be in a serious relationship , so why should i put myself in one.
People Tell Me (Good) : I'm smart. or that I see things and I understand.
Favorite Movie : Perks of Being a Wallflower, Shawshank Redemption , Pitch Perfect.
Favorite Class: Math.
Least Favorite Class: Gym
Anyways thanks for reading our blog ...
Love Always ,
Check this playlist out.

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