Thursday, July 25, 2013

Oulfits for Meeting .....

Hey guys so I'm writing this because me and my friend were talking about what we would wear if we met certain people so Morgan and I decided to come up with this .

First off what you would wear hanging out or meeting Niall Horan
the top is from forever 21 and has ruffled sleeves , and the shorts are hot pants i found on google that are really sparkly .
the wedges are a coral pink and i tried to find something close to the top but this was the best i could find . the are the brand river 67 i think.

the wedges are a coral pink and i tried to find something close to the top but this was the best i could find . the are the brand river 67 i think.

and this is more of a what people would call a daring necklace but I would think it would be really beautiful. and this is a titanium necklace made by edward mirell.

And now I figured I'd do one for meeting a girl . So we should do Selena Gomez obviously now for Selena there's a chill hanging out at her house look, there's her public look and then there's her like interview look.
so first will do the chill look.
 These sweat pants are Forever 21      This tiger tee would be really relaxed  
and they are mineral blue and i thought    nice and flowy and I just think it's
they just looked really nice for lounging  adorable for a day at home . It's
at home                                                 also forever 21 .

These boots are made by Fur Hat World and are slipper boots and are a little more unique then your average slipper boots . There still really relaxed and comfy looking.

Now that we have covered the more relaxed look . Maybe we could cover the out of the house look .
blue disco pants tight fitting really
bold color . 
these black pumps are kind of fancier but
are great for a night out with selena 
this top is nicer for a night out and just looks great with  the
tight disco pants and the black shoes .
This is a monochrome black and white top by TopShop.
And that's the looks I came up with for hanging out with certain people . I hope you enjoyed . 
Congrats to selena on her album release and 21rst bday. Love Niall because 3 years of 1d and shattering the vevo record. 

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