Thursday, October 17, 2013

Stone Martin (Directioner )

Hey it's Mady and this is going to be a  sort of awesome person I saw on the Xfactor .
His name is Stone Martin and he is 14 , 9th grade and he is a directioner . 
Isn't this cooooooool . 
At first I thought it was just a stunt to get more people to like him,
singing Little Things that is . 
But then on the four chair thing . 
He sang Torn , 
the first song One Direction ever sang together . 
After his first audition I watched 1 of his singing videos
and followed him on twitter. 
After the second performance 
I went and looked through his twitter pictures . 
And there's so many 1D related pics. 
I was so happy :) 
Anyways I know this was a short post . 
But he's such a rare breed, 
a STRAIGHT boy , 
So I hope you understand why this boy should be big 
Stone's links 
Love , 
P,S, I'm reading a grrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaattttttttt fanfic called When Hate Turns To Love .... you should totz read it . 

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